Familiar Quiz

What’s Your Magical Creature Familiar?


Do you wonder what kind of animal companion you’d have at Orenda Academy? Find out by taking this quiz!

Would you like having a Familiar you can hide?

Yes, I want it to come with me everywhere.
No, I don’t mind if we have to be separated at times.

Do you dream of flying?

I dream of soaring the skies!
I would prefer galloping high-speed through the fields.
Flying would be nice, but I just want something big and intimidating.
Nah, I like to keep my feet on the ground.

What kind of animal do you identify with?

Small Mammals

What would you like in an animal companion?

Something dependable and loyal.
Something that’s intelligent and can easily fly away.
Something big and impressive I can show off and make people jealous with.
Something that’s beautiful and mystical.

Out of all these possibilities, what do you want most?

Easily disguised

What size do you want them to be?

Enormous — large enough to crush my enemies.
Big enough to ride, at least.
Small enough to carry in a bag or curl up in my bed.
Size doesn’t matter, you’ll take anything.

Do you have a thing for horses?

Yes!!! I love them!
They’re cool, but I like other types of animals more.

Would having a dragon be a dream come true?

They’re a bit overrated. I want something more unique.
Of course! Sign me up!

Would you prefer to have a phoenix, griffin, or hippogriff over everything else?

Heck yeah! Those sound cool!
Everything else? I don’t know, maybe.

Would you care if your creature doesn’t *look* magical, as long as its got some hidden power no one else can see?

That sounds like a sweet idea. Give me a Familiar that’s full of surprises!
I want my creature to look cool, so no.

All 10 questions completed!

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What’s Your Magical Creature Familiar?

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