Darke Games Quiz

Would You Win the Darke Games?

prison cell

The only way out of the Institute is to win the Darke Games, a dangerous trial where you kill monsters to earn points. Will you escape this prison for supernaturals?

You run into your first monster, a three-headed beast with dozens of eyes. Two other teams are already fighting the monster. Do you try to kill it, too?

1. Heck yeah! I’ll let the other team do the work for me, then swoop in to take the final blow, and the points!
2. Heck no! We’ll find another monster later on.

Another team has found you. They’re about to steal your medical kit, which you need. But if you don’t give it to them, they’re going to fight you. What do you do?

1. Let them have the kit. We need to fight monsters out here, not other teams.
2. Fight them! We need that medicine to survive.

The forest is dark and scary, but your team is tired. Do you stop to break for the night?

1. We have to. There could be a monster out here hunting us, but we need to keep up our strength.
2. I KNOW there’s something following us in these woods. If we stop to sleep, it’ll kill us for sure. We keep going until we’re out of the woods.

A chance comes up to impress the Warden during the Games. Do you take it?

1. He’s the one pardoning my sentence, so yes! I want his eyes on me!
2. I don’t trust the Warden. I’ll let someone else have the spotlight.

You and your teammates come across black pits of water in the woods. You could use them to lure a monster into a trap, but they seem dangerous. What do you do?

1. We’re not messing around with those pits. We’ll find another way to earn points.
2. These pits are deadly for sure. If we lure a monster into one, it’ll be easy points. I say go for it.

A different team has come to you, asking for help. They’re hurt and need supplies. Do you help them?

1. Yes, we’ll help, though I hope we don’t live to regret it.
2. No way! This competition only has one winner. If we help them, they could come out on top later. Sorry, but survival of the fittest.

You’re being followed. Do you turn around and face whatever is tailing you, or do you run?

1. Run! We don’t know what we’re facing.
2. Stand and fight! It could be a monster we could earn points for killing.

There’s two monsters to kill in front of you. One is extremely powerful, but gets you a lot of points. One is easy to kill, but doesn’t give you that many points. What do you go for?

1. I go for the easy monster. The more we kill, the more points we can gain.
2. I go for the hard monster. It’ll be difficult to kill, but we’ll come out ahead in points.

Who did you choose to be on your team?

1. A badass vampire, a powerful fae, and a kickbutt angel. They’re the strongest supernaturals at this prison. We don’t get along but all of us want to get out of here, so we’ll put our differences aside during the Games.
2. A clumsy witch, a shy mermaid, and an average-skilled elemental. We’re all friends. We don’t stand the best chance but they have my back.

Your team has almost got one monster down, and you see an opportunity to end the fight. But if you go for it, you’re not following the plan your team made. What do you do?

1. I stick with the plan and help out my team. We need to work together.
2. I don’t hold back and go for the throat. We need to get these points.

All 10 questions completed!

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Would You Win the Darke Games?

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